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Discover the Benefits of Dermal Planing

The next time you’re scheduling facials in Mashpee, MA, it’s important to look at all of the services that you can add. After all, you want the best possible experience. This means exploring dermaplaning as part of the overall experience.


Dermaplaning has become one of the most highly sought after services – and for good reason. It removes the top layers of your skin in order to smooth out the surface. Particularly if you have a lot of peach fuzz, it will provide you with a smooth appearance while also helping to exfoliate. Layers of dead skin can be gone in just minutes.


As soon as this procedure is done, we can move into the various facials that you may want. At Sea Salt Luxury Spa Studio, we are committed to providing you with the best possible care for your skin – and dermaplaning is a cosmetic procedure that you are absolutely going to love. It’s non-invasive and there’s no need for injections, either.


Fine lines and wrinkles can be removed as well as deep acne scarring. Plus, if you have ever gotten frustrated with how liquid foundation goes on to your skin because each fuzz, this can be a dramatic change for you.


We have licensed aestheticians to walk you through the entire process. It’s entirely safe and can provide immediate, visible results. Plus, it can last up to eight weeks, ensuring that you look great in between sessions. If you have an upcoming special event or wedding, we highly recommend this service.


You owe it to yourself to take facials to the next level. Let one of our team members show you how your skin can look years younger. It will be brighter and smoother than ever. Schedule your appointment with us in Cape Cod today!

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